Online accident book

Accident & incident reporting made easy

Accident and incident reporting made easy

Adding a record to your online accident book is as easy as filling in a paper one...
Getting meaningful information from a paper book isn't so easy that's where our system shows it's full value.
If you're interested in safety at your workplace - you need this tool !

Filter reports by date range, incident type, location,
by body area affected and by the nature of an injury.
Was protective equipment was being used?

With just a few mouse clicks all this valuable
information is instantly available.

Find out what and where the hazards are
in your workplace, then you can help
prevent them in future.


Perfect for

  • Businesses with multiple locations
  • Retail, Manufacturing & Education
  • Unlimited locations & reports
  • Identifying hazardous areas
  • Comprehensive reporting

Simple pricing

  • Monthly or yearly payments
  • Cancel anytime you wish

HSE and RIDDOR compliant

responsive and mobile friendly

Accidents at work happen. While many could be avoidable in hindsight, and once established by personal injury solicitors who help claimants prove an employer was at fault, the fact of the matter remains that accidents at work will continue to result from cases of negligence.
Which is why the role played by accident books is so hugely important. And more often than not, pivotal when it comes to pursuing compensation for victims of accidents in workplaces.
By law, employers and employees are duty-bound to report the fundamental details of any work-related injury or accident that occurs whilst on an employer’s premises during work time. Subsequently recording the key details surrounding the accident, its cause and effect and the injuries which resulted.
Primarily, an accident book will confirm such critical elements as the date and time of the accident, who was injured, the nature of the injuries sustained by the victim and how the accident unfolded. From a victim and witness perspective, ideally. Mostly, information noted in a work accident book should remain confidential,
Legal action
An employee may be able to take legal action if the appropriate safety precautions were not implemented or the health and safety policy was not adhered to. Accident at work claims can result in significant compensation for the victim.
An accident book will provide evidence and proof that the injury is a direct result of workplace negligence. It can also be vital for employers to protect themselves against unwarranted claims.

HSE and RIDDOR compliant electronic accident book

Online accident book for schools

Online accident book for universities

Online accident book for retailers

Online accident book for manufacturers

Online accident book for the service industry

Online accident book for care homes and the nursing industry

Online accident book perfect for the conract hire business

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